The Women Friendship Day

Every third Sunday of September should be noted and followed keenly by all women. If it’s your birthday well even the more special. Why? Good question!

Did you know that the third Sunday in September us the Women Friendship Day? Yes it is! It has been celebrated since the first Women Friendship Day in 1999.

This National Women’s Friendship Day is a great day for ladies and also a great day to be a woman. The objective of this day, is to promote special friendship among women. Women can celebrate this special day in a variety of ways.

Promote friendship between and among women. This can include a visit to women in prison or a home for young mothers to encourage them.

Alternatively the women can book a VIP room at GMC Place and hold a special get together. This can be a breakfast, luncheon, or dinner with a women’s group. And later dive into the Oasis Blue sky pool for a warm swim.

Visit a charity together with your women friends.  This is a good way to create bonds and memories that last.

Spend time with special people by partnering with the likes of Optiven Foundation in their#SpreadtheHope campaign by reaching out to the less fortunate. You can as well promote the value of women in society by hosting a town hall meeting to empower women.

As I sit under the makuti sipping cocktails with my friends today, let me wish all the women, a happy National Women’s Friendship Day!

Facts about the National Women’s Friendship Day

It was created by women, and for women. The Kappa Delta Sorority created this very special day in 1999. This sorority, founded in 1897 in Farmville, Virginia USA, has over 180,000 members.

By Cathrine Khasoa
Cathrine serves as Lead for Public Relations and Media Liaison at Optiven Limited.

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