Friendship Day – A Great Avenue to Reach Out

What’s World Friendship Day?

A day celebrated every 30th of July worldwide. The day is considered very important by the United Nations, that in a resolution On 27 April 2011 the General Assembly of the United Nations declared 30 July as official International Friendship Day.

Many friends have been out of touch during this Covid 19 pandemic. But some have taken time to even bond over what they share commonly. A group of friends I recently met at GMC Kitengela were celebrating a milestone on a key investment they had made. From the animated conversation I gather they had just made their first installment for the Optiven project Rafiki Gardens in Machakos.

The six friends chose to celebrate the move with a swim at the Oasis Blue sky warm water pool just weeks after it was opened.
One could not help but admire the unfolding scene as the friends enjoyed a water ball game too while submerging and emerging from the water.

The Kitengela sky was also in a shiny mood as rays from the beautiful sunny day beat on the minute waves of the pool. On the ever green lawns a water spray left shiny droplets of water akin to giant dew drops that sparkled to say hello to the sun rays.

It was easy to get carried away with the unfolding scene if it were not for the sweet smell of chicken coming from the kitchen. That rhyme, a reminder of the article I had come across on world chicken day recently.

The friends then move to the state of the art changing rooms. Tastefully furnished, with spacious lockers and thankfully working showers they take their time to Change. On the pool side a smiling waitron by the name Tabby is busy setting the cutlery.

Soon an array of non alcoholic cocktails complete with garnishes and unfolding colours are added to the table. Then the arrival of the food, hot, aromatic and in substantial quantities arrive. The aroma is tempting to the nose as it is tantalising to the tastebuds even before savouring the food.

There’s chapati, fries, and ugali served with crispy salad and sauces. Then there is a selection of chicken thighs done in the GMC signature Yakitori with succulent mbuzi cutlets. To crown it all, comes the dawa- a must order for every guest at GMC Fun Place Kitengela.

And with that it becomes clear that even with Covid 19 pandemic here, the dawa of friendship is to share whatever life has to offer. I will drink to that… Happy Friends Day 2020, cheers.

By Cathrine Khasoa
Cathrine serves as Lead for Public Relations and Media Liaison at Optiven Limited.

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